6.S077 with Professor Berwick

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The 2016 edition of 6.034 offers an optional 3-unit add-on set of lectures given by Professor Robert C. Berwick.

This 3-unit section, 6.S063, supplements the main lectures and recitations, focusing on the science side of 6.034. In particular, 6.S063 addresses long-standing scientific questions and biological intelligence, rather than existing tools for building applications. The topics of evolution and human language are heavily emphasized.


We meet every Friday, at both 2-3pm and 3-4pm (you may choose which section to attend), in 56-154.

Since this add-on is only 3 units, the workload is minimal. Aside from a bit of optional reading between lectures, the only assignment will be a five- to eight-page paper addressing, researching, or analysing some aspect of human evolution or language that we discuss in class. More details about this assignment will be released closer to the end of the semester.

Final Paper

Instructions for the final paper are here. For several of the topics, we provide you some relevant papers and documents to get you started.

We also provide a zip and a tarball of all relevant documents if you would prefer to have them all locally.