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Getting the code

Before working on any lab, you will need to get the code:

See detailed instructions below.

Method 1: Git (recommended)

On a command line, navigate to the folder in which you want to put all your 6.034 labs. Then, type this command to clone the lab0 code, replacing username with your Athena username:

git clone username@athena.dialup.mit.edu:/mit/6.034/www/labs/fall2020/lab0

It will ask for your Athena password. After the files download, you will have a new directory called "lab0" containing the files for Lab 0.

If you are working on Athena...

...then you can instead use this command to clone directly from the Athena locker:

git clone /mit/6.034/www/labs/fall2020/lab0

You can also SSH into athena.dialup.mit.edu to directly work on Athena from a different computer.

Why use Git?

Using Git has a couple advantages:

  • Local version control: You can use Git to keep a local record of the changes you've made as you work on your lab, which makes it easy to revert to a previous implementation. You can learn more about using Git here (good for getting started) or from the official Git documentation. Using Git is not a requirement for 6.034, but you may find it helpful for tracking your files.
  • Easy updates: If we need to release an update to the lab code, you can run a simple "git pull" command to get the update instead of having to manually download the updated files.

Method 2: Download the files from a browser

Create a folder for the lab, then download this file and extract it: http://web.mit.edu/6.034/www/labs/lab0/lab0.zip

You can also view or download individual files: http://web.mit.edu/6.034/www/labs/lab0/

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