6.844 Info

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6.844 was created in response to requests from grad students who wanted to take 6.034, but needed graduate level credit.

It is a supplement to 6.034---you will take 6.034 as usual and do all of that work (lectures, labs, quizzes), and in addition attend the 6.844 session and do the work required there. That session will meet every Friday 11am-12pm in 32-155. Each week there will be a reading assignment focusing on one or more of the foundational, provocative, or intriguing papers from the research literature. You will be expected to do the reading, write up a one page response to a set of questions that will be provided with the reading, and come to class prepared to discuss your (and others') answers to those questions.

The papers will help you learn how to read original research papers in the field and will focus on the science side of AI, addressing the larger scientific questions, rather than existing tools for building applications.

The class is heavy on interaction; you will not be able to just sit back and listen. To keep the class size manageable and to encourage active class participation, we do not allow listeners.

6.844 is taught by Prof. Randall Davis (davis@). The teaching assistant is Jack Cook (cookj@).

Info about the class can be found here.

Week 1

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